7. What are minerals? How can we classify them?
8. What are the eight typpes of minerals? Write an example of ecah one.
9. Write about pure minerals or elements. Write an example.
10. Write about sulphates minerals. Write an example.
Situación de Finlandia (en amarillo)
Canción sobre los tipos de rocas.
video sobre los tres tipos de rocas
1. What are rocks?
2. What are the three types of rocks?
3. How are igneous rocks formed? Write some examples
4. Explain what happens to the igneous rock if the lava cools slowly.
5. How are sedimentary rocks formed? Write some examples.
6. How are metamorphic rocks formed? Write some examples.
6. How are metamorphic rocks formed? Write some examples.
7. What are minerals? How can we classify them?
8. What are the eight typpes of minerals? Write an example of ecah one.
9. Write about pure minerals or elements. Write an example.
10. Write about sulphates minerals. Write an example.
Ya hemos terminado el tema 3 y los alumnos ya se han examinado del mismo. Las preguntas de los exámenes han sido prácticamente las mismas que publiqué en el blog y practicamos en clase. Se ha observado que muchos alumnos han obtenido muy buenos resultados pues llevaban el tema al día, pero muchos otros no han sido capaces de gestionar el estudio. Por favor, recordad la importancia de estudiar A DIARIO.
1. Why is the Earth called the Blue Planet?
2. What is an ocean? Write the name of all of them. Place them in a map.
3. What is a sea? How many seas are there more or less in the world? Write the name of FIVE of them. Place them on a map.
4. What is a lake? and a river?
5. Place in the drawing these ítems: source, river, riverbed, tributary, river basin and drainage basin.
6. What is a river basin? What is a tributary?
7. What are the three courses of a river? Explain the upper course.
1. What is the water cycle?
2. Explain evaporation.
3. Tell me about condensation.
4 Write about precipitation.
5.How is underwater formed? What does groundwater form under the ground? Where does groundwater flow back?
1. What is the water cycle?
2. Explain evaporation.
3. Tell me about condensation.
4 Write about precipitation.
5.How is underwater formed? What does groundwater form under the ground? Where does groundwater flow back?
04/01/16 Preguntas sobre el tema
1. Why is the Earth called the Blue Planet?
2. What is an ocean? Write the name of all of them. Place them in a map.
3. What is a sea? How many seas are there more or less in the world? Write the name of six of them. Place them on a map.
4. What is a lake? and a river?
5. Draw a river baisn and place in the drawing these ítems: source, river, riverbed, tributary, river basin and drainage basin.
6. What is a river basin?
7. What is a tributary?
8. What are the three courses of a river? Explain the upper course.
9. Place in the map: Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, White Sea, Cantabrian Sea, Caspian Sea.
10. What is the water cycle? Name the four stages in order.
11. Explain evaporation.
12. Tell me about condensation.
13. Write about precipitation.
14. When is groundwater formed? How does the water travel underground?
10. What is the water cycle? Name the four stages in order.
11. Explain evaporation.
12. Tell me about condensation.
13. Write about precipitation.
14. When is groundwater formed? How does the water travel underground?
Un vídeo espectacular en el que se observan 24 horas en Finlandia en invierno a la izquierda y verano a la derecha.
Finlandia es un país nórdico que tiene gran
parte de su territorio en el círculo polar ártico, con un invierno que
puede llegar a durar 130 días y dejar regiones cubiertas de nieve
durante más de 4 meses al año.

Este otro vídeo está grabado durante toda una semana justamente en el polo
norte. Fijaos en el efecto curioso de que el sol sube y baja pero no se
esconde ni se vuelve de noche...durante toda una semana!!!!!
Por supuesto recordad que en los polos hay 6 meses donde es de día y 6 meses donde es de noche, y este vídeo muestra durante la época de día cuales son los efectos de vivir en el polo norte.
Por supuesto recordad que en los polos hay 6 meses donde es de día y 6 meses donde es de noche, y este vídeo muestra durante la época de día cuales son los efectos de vivir en el polo norte.
1. What is weather?What three aspects form the weather? (1 punto)
2. What does temperature measure? What do we use to measure it? (1 punto)
3. What are the two scales of thermometers? What temperature in both scales does the water freeze? (1 punto)
4. What does humidity describe? what are the different types? How do we measure humidity? (1.5 puntos)
5. What is wind? What are the different types? What do we use to measure it? (1.5 puntos)
6. What is precipitation? What do we use to measure it? (1 punto)
7. What are the three types of clouds? Write about ALL OF THEM (2 puntos)
8. Complete the sentences about the stages of development of clouds:(1 punto)
Warm air _______ from the ground. It ______ and _______, condensation begins.
This condensation releases ___________ which warms the _______. The air expands and _______, forming more condensation. Condensation occurs at different ___________.
1. What is weather? What three aspects form the weather?
2. When we talk about weather we talk about factors. What are these factors?
3. What does temperature measure? What do we use to measure it?
4. What temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius does the water freeze?
5. What does humidity describe? How do we measure humidity?
6. What is wind? What are the different types? What do we use to measure it?
7. What is precipitation? What do we use to measure it?
8. Write about drizzle and sleet.
8. Write about drizzle and sleet.
9. Complete the sentences about the stages of development of clouds:
Warm air _______ from the ground. It ______ and _______, condensation begins.
This condensation releases ___________ which warms the _______. The air expands and _______, forming more condensation. Condensation occurs at different ___________.
10. What are the three types of clouds? Write about all of them.
Warm air _______ from the ground. It ______ and _______, condensation begins.
This condensation releases ___________ which warms the _______. The air expands and _______, forming more condensation. Condensation occurs at different ___________.
10. What are the three types of clouds? Write about all of them.
11.What do meteorologists do? What four aspects do they measure?
12. What are weather balloons? What are weather forecast centres?
13. What are weather satellites?
14. Where can we see weather forecast? What do they use in maps?
15.How can weather affect the economy? Write an example
16. What is climate?
17. What are the main climates of the world?
18. What are the two imaginary lines that affects these climates?
19. What are the climates of Spain?
20. Write about Mediterranean climate .(characteristics and where in Spain)
21. Write about Continental climate.(characteristics and where in Spain)
22. Write about Subtropical climate. (characteristics and where in Spain)
16. What is climate?
17. What are the main climates of the world?
18. What are the two imaginary lines that affects these climates?
19. What are the climates of Spain?
20. Write about Mediterranean climate .(characteristics and where in Spain)
21. Write about Continental climate.(characteristics and where in Spain)
22. Write about Subtropical climate. (characteristics and where in Spain)
Este este es el examen que hicimos el miércoles 21. Los alumnos que superaron la primera parte no respondían a las preguntas 1 y 2.
El examen era muy corto y sencillo, con lo que es primordial contestar usando frases completas. Por ejemplo si pregunto cuáles son los dos tipos de mapas? no contestar " physical and political" si no que hay que hacer una frase: "There are two types of maps, physical and political" o "the two types of maps are physical and political".
Además al tener pocas preguntas, y valer cada una dos puntos, cualquier fallito baja bastante la nota.
Os dejo el enlace a la canción de MECANO "Laika". Leer los subtítulos para entender que pasó...
También os dejo el vídeo que hemos visto de cuando NEIL AMSTRONG pisó la luna por primera vez. "UN PEQUEÑO PASO PARA EL HOMBRE, UN ENORME SALTO PARA LA HUMANIDAD"
Hoy hemos estado hablando de los telescopios.... Os dejo el enlace a la página del HUBBLE. Pinchad en galería y disfrutad de las imágenes.
En este vídeo verás una breve explicación de por qué hace frío en invierno y calor en verano.
1. How long does the Earth take to orbit the Sun?
2. How long does the Moon take to spin on its axis?
3. Why is it colder in winter?
4. When the North Pole tilts away from the Sun, what season is in the Northern Hemisphere?
5. When it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, what season is in the Northern Hemisphere?
6. What are tides?
7. When do rises and falls occur?
8. What do we use to represent the spherical 3D Earth?
9. What are the two types of maps?
10. Explain physical maps
11. Complete the sentences:
The horizontal lines are ................................ or lines of ............................
The vertical lines are ..................................... or lines of ............................
12. What is the latitude?
13. Whatś the name of the modern telescopes?
14. Whtaś the name of the first animal into space?
15. Who completed a lunar orbit and a moon landing on the Apollo 11 mission? When?
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